Liquid Anvil: Portland Web Design
Liquid Anvil: Web. Simpler.
web. simpler.

Contact: Submit an RFP

Your project, your business and your success are important to us. The more information you can give us about your project’s scope, the more accurately we can estimate the cost of what you want to do.

Here are some examples of what information we find help the estimation process:

  • What would you like us to do for you? Do you need a web site, baseball caps, brochures, or a marketing strategy to allow you to achieve world domination?
  • Your business name, focus & web address.
  • Links to your competitors.
  • Your timeline.
  • Your budget. We promise we don’t use this to say, “Yes, 24 t-shirts would cost $2,134.48; how coincidental that you’ve set aside exactly that much.” This is to help us ascertain what route we’ll take to get you to your goal.
  • Any -- and we do mean any -- other information you think would be pertinent to your project.

Truthfully, you might find it easier to call us direct at 207.899.0088 to start the conversation. Or you can use the web form to the right to have us contact you.

We look forward to getting started.

Let’s Get Started…

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© 2012 liquid anvil, inc.
portland, me 04102
Because Your Website Shouldn’t Suck